VovSoft World Heatmap Creator v1.6 creates a world map in HTML format and marks all the locations you choose. The software displays a drop-down list of all countries in the world, storing a specific location for each. You have to select the desired locations and add them to your list along with the corresponding latitude and longitude. If you decide to modify the two latter parameters, you will get a custom location on the map.

The generated HTML map is stored locally in a user-defined directory so it can be opened using any web browser. You will notice that all the locations you have previously selected are marked with a colored circle similar to the colors on a heat map. You can use it to generate a map of locations where a certain event has occurred (for example, virus attack outbreaks, product sellouts, or other similar events).

Heat maps display information about a specific parameter value using color codes on a regular map. Apart from being visually appealing, these statistical tools are able to display large datasets in a simple way. The World Heatmap Creator software is also a simple tool for creating Hot Map World maps that create a HTML map of the world and mark all the places you choose. The software displays a drop-down list of all countries in the world and stores a specific location for each. You have to select the locations you want and add them to your list along with their latitude and longitude. If you decide to modify the second two parameters, you will get a custom location on the map.

Here are some key Features of “VovSoft World Heatmap Creator v1.6” :

  • Build heat maps from world maps
  • Create HTML maps of the world
  • View event statistics from around the world
  • Ability to view maps on all web browsers
  • Lightweight and compact

System Requirement

  • Software Requirements
    – Windows 10 (32/64-bit)
    – Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit)
    – Windows 8 (32/64-bit)
    – Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
    – Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later, 32/64 bit)
    – Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32-bit only)


VovSoft World Heatmap Creator v1.6

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