Atlas.ti v9.0.21.0 Any sound scientific research can be effective and successful if it provides a correct and logical analysis. Computers have come to the aid of humans to provide better and deeper qualitative analysis and interpretation. ATLAS.ti softwarePerhaps the best software in the discussion of qualitative analysis and qualitative data analysis, which provides a simpler and easier to use environment than similar software such as MAXqda and NVivo.

The goal of this program is to help researchers analyze raw input data and, after evaluating them, identify the complex relationships between them. The program was originally designed for the social sciences, but can also be useful in a variety of fields such as theology, jurisprudence, literature, texts, law, psychology, stylistics, social policy, history, geography, medicine, nursing, and the arts. The software has many features, including the qualitative analysis of textual data, online data analysis, code analysis, automated programming capabilities, image modeling, and more.

ATLAS.ti software features
– Superb performance along with simple working method
Ability to qualitatively analyze text, video, audio and video data
Ability to qualitatively analyze online data as well as Google Earth application data
– Accurate analysis of encrypted data
– Automatic programming capability
– Image modeling of data
– Persian language support (although in some cases there are problems)
– Ability to output the project as XML, CSV, HTML and SPSS program
– Integration of PDF conversion tool with the program
– Providing training to work with the program with various examples

Unique Features
– The interactive margin area is a unique work space in ATLAS.ti not surpassed by any other program on the market. It permits a uniquely intuitive way of interacting with your data, digitally transferring the traditional paper-and-pen analogy in the digital world.
– The quotation level is also radically unique to ATLAS.ti. If offers an analytic level below coding and better supports inductive, interpretive research approaches like grounded theory, hermeneutic, discourse analysis, sociology of knowledge, or phenomenology than any other software.
– This can also be said about the ATLAS.ti network / visualization function. It offers the most integrated way of working with your data, it is
– a tool for visualization as well as for analysis, for data organization as well as conceptual level analytic work and data presentation.
– Because of the way ATLAS.ti manages data under the hood, it allows for handling much larger projects than other products: ATLAS.ti handle projects that contain thousands of documents and / or tens of thousands of coded data segments.

“Atlas.ti v9.0.21.0

ATLAS.ti is a computer program used mostly, but not exclusively, in qualitative research or qualitative data analysis.

System Requirement

  • Minimum
    RAM 4
  • Recommended
  • GB 8 GB
  • Disk Space 100 MB 1GB and up, depending on project sizes
  • Minimum configuration means just that: You will be able to install and run the program. You will be able to perform all basic functions and work with text and multimedia files. But please do not expect to work with larger or a large number of multimedia files or to run auxiliary applications in parallel.
  • ** Bigger is better! The more available resources (especially RAM and processor power) your system has, the more comfortably and smoothly will you be able to work with ATLAS.ti. For work with multimedia material, embedded content, or for running auxiliary applications we strongly recommend PC systems of a solid mid- to upper-level capacity


Atlas.ti v9.0.21.0

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